Kennedy Solutions, LLC
Tampa, FL   |   Washington, DC

 Creative Consulting... We are something different!

Crisis Management  |  Government Consulting  |  
Data Science  |  Informatics  |  Analytics  |  Technology
Systems  |  Public Healthcare | Non-Profit Consulting


Kennedy Solutions is a young, dynamic company with clear expertise in consulting and forging creative, non-traditional, sensitive solutions. Data Science, Public Healthcare, Government Solutions and Integrated Technology are something we are proficient and passionate about! 

We have been innovating in data, crisis management, information exchange, and government healthcare systems since the late 1980's. Working seamlessly between a broad collaboration of Federal, State, and Private consulting contracts, Kennedy Solutions can find a way to integrate your needs and develop a strategy that guarantees success!

Whether your project is large or small, our expertise in both the service and product delivery can provide the resources and solutions you need to get the job done right. Our track record in both developing and delivering solutions for consistency, timely service, and subject matter expertise make insurmountable tasks possible to overcome.

Parterning with some industry giants - like Google and Microsoft, small non-profits (such has healthcare and patient-focused research), and the US Government (like CMS and CDC), we have bridged relationships to find the right answer for many projects. We practice creative consulting. We are something different!

Contact us today. We can help!